March 13, 2025

Dec. 7, 1901: Van Briggle Has Exhibit of Pottery

The Colorado Springs Gazette, on Dec. 8, 1901 announced that “Mr. A. Van Briggle who has lately established a pottery here, gave his first reception yesterday at 617 North Nevada, where a large collection of the beautiful vases was set out for the admiration of those who thronged the rooms. The collection included practically all of the ware which has been fired since the new kiln was first started some weeks ago…The reception lasted from 9 until 5, during which hours crowds of people attended and the utmost enthusiasm prevailed during the entire day. Many of the pieces were sold, but they will be left until Sunday, (December 8) and these together with the others, will be on exhibition today, and the general public is invited. In about a week an exhibit is to be made up and sent to Paris, another to Madrid, and one will go to New York where considerable interest has been taken in the work.”

Artus Van Briggle outside kiln inspecting pottery
1st Pottery: 617 N. Nevada Ave., Colo. Spgs.

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