March 11, 2025

Van Briggle 1908 Memorial Pottery Open House

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Van Briggle Display in Artus’ Home State

Throughout December, 2015; a special Van Briggle display showcase will be featured in the Claremont County Administration Building, 101 E. Main, Batavia, Ohio, 45103. Artus was born in Felicity, Ohio in 1869.  Claremont is the county seat for Felicity.  Their is an active historical society group in Felicity, Ohio.  They have been asked to assemble […]


I am back online after more than 2 years, and regret being unable to access emails sent through this web site for the last 2 years.  In the future, anyone may contact me through my personal email      I do try and answer all emails within 24 hours, and enjoy seeing photos […]

Sept. 2015 Tour of Van Briggle Memorial Pottery

September 12 was the annual tour of the Van Briggle 1908 Memorial Pottery in Colo. Spgs.  The event is hosted annually by the Women’s Education Society of Colorado College, and serves as a fundraiser toward their scholarship efforts. More than 400 people toured the beautiful building, covered with over 5000 Van Briggle tile, both inside […]

Back online!!!

I have been unable to access my website for over 2 years!!  In the summer of 2013, I was contacted by the web site host, saying that the site administrator of a non-profit (which shall remain nameless) had attempted to change my password to my site.  Any attempt to contact that organization, culminated in denial. […]

DRAGON Van Briggle Lamp

This lamp found us, instead of us finding the lamp.  It had resided in Okla. City for several years.  We have no recollection of having seen another, or any vintage brochure featuring such a design. Mid-July, we visited Colorado Springs, and once again called upon the expertise of Fred Wills, who was a potter at […]

First 953 Designs from 1900-1912

Collectors have been very cooperative in sending photos of their early pieces, with photos of the bottom markings. This has been a very, very slow process of attempting to develop a web page for each of the 953 designs. At some future point, I hope to have this project completed with photos for all to […]

Indian Chief Expression – 1 of 3

Terra Cotta or Bisque Paperweight with Design from Indian Chief Vase, dated 1913 This paperweight is made from one of the three facial expressions on the Indian Chief Vase, discussed in the previous post. Has anyone seen one of these plaques/paperweights with images of the other two facial expressions from the vase? Has an example […]

Ambrose Schlegel credited with Indian Chief Vase

American Indian Chief Vase with Three Expressions Does anyone possess one of these vases dated prior to 1914?  Copied from the Van Briggle Pottery files, with permission while researching our book, is a letter dated 1967 regarding the origin of this design.  The owner of the pottery from 1920 to 1969 was J. H. Lewis, […]

Origin of the “Monkey Mug”

The inspiration to model the “Monkey Mug” came from one Van Briggle collector’s trip to Mexico City in the spring of 1974.  While visiting the Museum of Anthropology, Robert Wyman Newton was impressed with the use animals in the pre-Colombian artifacts, and in particular, a vase carved in the shape of a monkey. Mr. Newton […]

Design #809 by Mae Cook in 1910

One of six designs by Mae Cook for Van Briggle Pottery from 1909 – 1910.  This tray is listed in the Catalogue of Van Briggle Designs, by Robert Wyman Newton, as an ashtray without known dimensions. This example is in the early Mulberry color, and dimensions are 4 x 6 inches, with a pipe and […]

Van Briggle Memorial Pottery Annual Tour by Colorado College

Saturday, September 15, 2012, the Women’s Educational Society of Colorado College will be hosting a tour of the Van Briggle Memorial Pottery located at 1125 Glen Ave. in Colorado Springs. The building was built by Anne Van Briggle to honor her deceased husband Artus Van Briggle.  Dedication was held on December 3, 1908.  The building […]

Beautiful 1902, #74, previously uncatalogued!!!

This design will be recorded under the “First 900+ Designs” section of this web site for collector reference.  Thanks to Steve for sharing his beautiful design, and to Gordon for sending the photos!!!  All collectors benefit from your willingness to share – much appreciated!   Related Images:

VB Tea Pot “Electric Stove” with Patented Heating Coil

This set belongs to my daughter, Anna Honea-Wyatt.  We had seen one in Persian Rose in 2011 at a show in Wichita, but it was not for sale.  The patent number on the bottom was intriguing because it was 1906, and the Van Briggle date of the teapot production was 1918.  In the past year, a third […]

Van Briggle 1959 “Rush to the Rockies” Centennial Design discovered

Van Briggle Glazed Pottery Covered Wagon Produced in 1959 for the “Rush to the Rockies” Centennial A 1959 news article from the Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph explains that the covered wagon piece, reminiscent of the days of 1859, when gold discoveries caused a rush of people to Pikes Peak Country; was produced by Van Briggle […]

Table of Contents for Van Briggle Notes

The new printing of the Van Briggle Notes book contains an additional two pages – Table of Contents.  For those who purchased an earlier copy of the book, the two pages are reproduced for your convenience. Related Images:

New Turtle Information!

Turtle Note Card Holder advertised for 75 cents circa 1914!! When referencing some copies of old photos, whose prices matched a 1914 advertisement in the Colorado Springs Gazette, a close-up of one photo revealed a picture of this turtle note card holder, selling for 75 cents!! Related Images:

Van Briggle Pottery Crew – December 2011

INTRODUCING THE MOLDER, GLAZIER & ETCHER FOR 2011 VAN BRIGGLE ART PIECES! Left:  Ned Tonge – Ned pours the molds and manages the production. Center:  Candy Curtis – Candy etches the pieces & applies the special finishing touches. Right:  Gary Dhondt – Gary does the expert job of glazing the pieces & adding the over […]

Double-A & U.S.A. Mark on Lorelei

Beautiful Lorelei & Bottom Markings Barry & Debbie James of Dallas County, TX furnished photos of the bottom markings on their Lorelei.  They acquired this beautiful piece from an online seller is 2011.  The Lorelei is 9 1/2″ in height, and generally acknowledged to be from the 1922-1926 production period, with the U.S.A. mark on the bottom.  […]

Van Briggle Art Pottery Display at the Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum

“From Paris to the Plains:  The Artistry of Artus & Anne Van Briggle” Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum, 215 S. Tejon, Colorado Springs The Van Briggle display was reopened with a special reception on March 23, 2012 The main display rooms upstairs in the Colo. Spgs. Pioneers Museum has been rearranged, and highlighting early pottery and […]