Information on dating Van Briggle was written by Robert Wyman Newton for his Catalogue of Van Briggle Designs; and as a co-author of A Collector’s Guide to Van Briggle Pottery. Robert graciously permitted me to utilize his information in my book. This is information which you can categorize by using your own pottery pieces.
Remember; every single piece that was made by VBPCo was marked. Except for the exceptions! I have found exceptions to nearly every guideline established; so keep that in mind!
#310 with no markings. One of my favorites! Purchased from the collector who bought it in the clean-out of the Memorial Pottery when the building was sold to Colorado College in 1968.

1921 Van Briggle – no example to photograph

1923 – No example to photograph

Unaware of any other dates used, except a very rare hand-signed piece; until the 1933 pieces for the World’s Fair and production & original pieces in 1984 and 1985.