February 4, 2025

Design #253

Design:  #253

Date Designed:  1904

Designer:  J. Emma Kinkead credited all plain designs to Ambrose Schlegel after the death of Artus Van Briggle on July 4, 1904; until Anne and J. Emma began creating designs again.

Description:  Tall vase of plain design, covered with a mottled green glaze with the tan clay partially showing through the glaze.  Bottom markings include impressed Design #253, incised Double-A, date of 1905 and XV indicating clay type, all in the handwriting attributed to Anne Van Briggle.

Other: This design was not documented until the 2015 Revised Catalogue of Van Briggle Designs by Robert Wyman Newton.

Collection:  Private – Collectors located this is Colo. Spgs!

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