March 14, 2025

Design #513

Design: #513

Date Designed: 1906

Designer: Unknown

Description: Bowl with stylized vertical leaves surrounding the bowl, which is covered in a light blue crystalline glaze. Bottom markings include the incised Double-A, Van Briggle, Colorado Springs, date of 1906; and to the right side of the Double-A is the Design #513, partially obscured.

Dimensions: 7″ diameter, 3.3″ height

Other: Rarely seen pattern. Bowls #512 & #513 are both the same shape, with #512 a bit larger, and an undocumented shape until the 2015 Revision of the Catalogue of Van Briggle Designs. Both bowls are shown in the same light blue glaze. Both have the handwriting attributed to Anne Gregory Van Briggle.

Collection: Courtesy of Darrell Schulte

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