March 28, 2025

Mulberry/Persian & Dusty Roses/Pinks, etc.

Early literature lists PINK glazes: Light Pink, Medium Pink, Dark Pink, Mulberry & Dark Plum

Early Varieties of Pinks: Back Row: #674 Mug; #259, 1914; #226, 1903; #805, 1907-12; #693, 1907-12 Front Row: #678, 1907-12; Gnome, estimated teens; #654, 1907-12

Artus developed and documented several shades of rose and pink prior to 1904.  These pieces are all 1903-1914; with the exception of the gnome, who is thought to be from the teens period.  The middle piece in the back row #226, 1903, is a lighter color than the later Persian Rose, and in addition has a Gray Glaze overspray, not blue overspray as seen on Persian Rose.  The three pieces on the front row have a Chartreuse Glaze overspray.

MULBERRY GLAZE – discontinued in 1946

No color brochures from the early years, with glaze names are available. Fresh mulberries, when smashed onto these surfaces, are this color! However; this color is somewhat unusual & could just be an anomaly.
Mulberry with darker color

Most opinions and written material state that in 1946, Mulberry was lightened to Persian Rose. Persian Rose had a “rosier” base color. Jeff Stevenson adds that Persian Rose was discontinued when the Memorial Pottery on Uintah was closed in 1968, as his father reported poor sales of that glaze.

PERSIAN ROSE – introduced in 1946, discontinued in 1968

Examples of Persian Rose.
Left: Bowl by Fred Wills, VB potter 1947-1987 &

Nelson Curtis, VB potter 1960s
Center: Covered Pot by Clem Hull, VB potter 1946-1965
Lamp: Daydreamer by Nellie Walker
, 1948

This Persian Rose glaze was discontinued sometime prior to 1969. Jeff Stevenson writes, “When I started at Van Briggle in the summer of 1969, there were only 5 glazes in production: 2 matte glazes (Turquoise Ming and Moonglo) and 3 gloss glazes (Jet Black, Brown and Dark Brown).

DESERT ROSE – in production 1982-1983

Desert Rose introduced in 1982

In April of 1982, Jeff Stevenson introduced the new Desert Rose glaze, which was similar to Persian Rose without the blue mottling. In Sept. 1982, Jeff’s research summary stated, “The glaze was placed into production in April of 1982, and has been quite popular among our customers. It exhibits sufficient stability for use in production, although the color of the fired glaze is still somewhat variable.” The glaze was, however, discontinued in 1983.

DUSTY ROSE – introduced in 1988

Left: Dusty Rose with Blue Mottling
Right: Dusty Rose without Blue Mottling.

Jeff Stevenson writes than in 1988, “I developed another rose glaze, softer/paler than the Desert Rose, which was called Dusty Rose. This one usually received the blue mottling (overglaze), and turned out to be quite popular.”

PERSIAN ROSE – reintroduced at least by 2000

Variations of “Persian Rose” surfaced at least one or two more times. The VBPCo website, by 2000, had “Persian Rose with Lilac Blue Accent” advertised. This philodendron bowl is marked “VB100” which is the mark used during the Van Briggle Centennial Year of 2000.

Picture in 2003 VBPCo literature
Persian Rose, #688 AO, (2010) & Dragonfly Bowl, V5 (2005)

ROSE – #688, introduced in 2007

#688, V7 (2007) Purchased at VBPCo factory.
Employee stated color only produced about one year.

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